Being a refugee is a state of inner and outer transformation. Leaving everything behind and dedicating yourself to a strange live abroad needs more than courage, it needs a will to transform which people hardly ever develope while staying at home. What appears to the individual as destiny, later – when the refugees return – turns to be a unique chance for the development of the countries of origin. Migration in this sense is a biological program that can lead to the solution of the original problems by later returnees. The power that lies in this scheme shows itself in biographies of people like Mahatma Ghandi, who transformed India after returning from his south african exil.refugium does not regard refugees as victims who need help, as beggers who have to be marginalised for the sake of the social peace of the hosting countries. Refugees are humans who went out to find solutions: for their own life, to make a living for their families left behind – and maybe one of a thousend – as later transformers of their original culturs.
To help these people find their destiny is the main goal of refugium – without violating their freedom of choice. Refugium wants to inspire, not controll; to initiate processes developing their own dynamic; merge mutual interests into synergies; refugium wants to summon to life instead of posses and rule.